Friday, October 4, 2013

thrillerpalooza: Win 23 thrillers by 24 authors!

thrillerpalooza: Win 23 thrillers by 24 authors!: Do you love a thrilling read? If so, you will love our contest. Enter to win thrillers of every stripe: we have mystery and suspe...

Hey everyone, check out this great opportunity to win some really good mystery & thriller books! Most of my favorite authors are giving away some of their books for all of us to read! WOW! You can't go wrong with this offer so make sure you enter for a chance to win. ;)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Well, it's a BOY!!

It's a BOY!
Well, my son & daughter-in-law just got the news today! They are having a baby boy!! YIPPEE! I'm so excited! This will be my sixth grandchild, so far! LOL! Anyway, Congrats to my son & daughter-in-law. I'm very happy for them & for me!
It's late, once again, so I just stopped by to see if anything was going on here, but it looks like, so far, no hits! I'm reading BLOOD VINES by Erica Spindler, & so far it's a great read. Plenty is going on with the main character, Alex, & so far, there have been a couple of murders & suicides! Just up my alley! Although, I smell a conspiracy going on in this book, I'm not sure what it's about yet. Once I read more I'll let you know what I think. So far, the plot has a new twist to it that I'm enjoying, & it will rock you to the very core of your belief system.
Erica Spindler is one of my all time favorite authors, she puts in her stories more twists & turns than a roller coaster! Her books are always filled with mystery & plenty of suspense & I've yet to read a book by her that I haven't enjoyed.
Well, enough of this for tonight, I really need to get some sleep. As for all you late night owls, hasta la bye-bye & I'll catch you later..............gators! ;) Ciao For Now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day One!

I guess this is a place where I can let off steam or talk about whatever is on my mind. Do any of you use reading (or sleeping) to avert real life? Well, I guess I do. It occured to me not long ago that that's what I do to avoid real life. It's so much easier to get caught up in the lives of the characters that I read than to deal with my real life. I consider my real life to be very boring & without any sense of direction. When I was young, I had this plan of what my life was going to be, & for the most part, I succeeded. I became a talented singer/entertainer & I spent most of my life making other people laugh & dance to my songs. It was a fun life, but it was also very short lived since I started loosing my hearing at the tender age of 18. I lived in Mexico City & I was a party singer, if that's what you want to call it. I first started singing in Bars, but I didn't like the environment, so I switched gears & started singing in parties only. Weddings, Graduations, end of the year parties, & B-day parties. In Mexico, they still have this coming out party for girls who just turned 15. Yes, it's sweet 15 instead of sweet 16 like it is here in the States! The girls are introduced into society & they dress up in long formal dresses & dance to a Waltz with their fathers. It's actually very nice. It's one of those customs that have been carried over since the 1800's & stuck. It's all very elegant & everyone is happy & the Father's are so proud of their beautiful daughters. I really enjoyed singing in those days. But alas, all good things must come to an end. I lost my hearing gradually through out the years, & there finally came a time where I could no longer sing without having everything set up perfectly, which is hard to do when most of the time you are singing in very different environments. With an echo effect it became impossible for me to hear myself. Of course, this was before they had the ear mikes that they use now.'re probably wondering how old I am, well I'm NOT saying!! Hahahaha!! But I'm old enough to  know better. :P So there!
This is just a sampler of what's to come, I guess. I'll have to write more later, but for now, I'm tired & I think I've bored you enough with my chatter! So until then, I catch you later...........gators! Try to be good, & if not, make sure you invite me. ;)